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Consulados preparados para defender dignidad de los mexicanos, afirma De la Fuente; protegerán derechos de connacionales

“Amenaza de deportaciones es real”, dice Ricardo Anaya; hay ingenuidad en gobierno de México, señala

Suman tres periodistas asesinados en cuatro meses; México, de los países más peligrosos para el periodismo

Alianza de Medios MX condena asesinato del periodista Calletano de Jesús Guerrero; pide revisión de los esquemas de protección

Vinculan a proceso a integrantes de “La Línea”, brazo armado del Cártel de Juárez; les imputan delito de intento de homicidio
According to Elena Achar , Head of the Regional and Sectoral Coordination Unit of the Federal Ministry of Tourism ( Sectretaría de Turismo abbreviated SECTUR ), tourism is a great option for Mexico, since it provides businesses with a way out of the adverse trade relationship between Mexico and the United States.
"Mexican companies were not looking at the powerful internal market that we have," said Elena Achar during the 2017 Riviera Maya Business Round ( Rueda de Negocios Riviera Maya 2017 ) at the platform Connect to Tourism ( Conéctate al Turismo ), expecting to replace imports of goods and services for the tourism industry with supplies from small and medium-sized Mexican companies.
According to Achar, by following this initiative, tourism industry in Mexico would depend less on the price of the dollar.
Perla Escalante
, President of the Mexico City Food Supply Center ( Central de Abastos de la Ciudad de México ), said that tourism represents a great opportunity for Mexican companies to market their products since companies sought to sell to the United States to be successful.
Global Insight estimates that hotels and restaurants in Mexico buy goods and services for more than USD$ 9 billion per year, and more than 60% of those goods and services are imported.