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Upon registering as the aspiring candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) for the Presidency of the Mexican Republic, veteran campaigner Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced his ten pre-campaign proposals, among which he reaffirmed he will subject to consultation an amnesty to criminal offenders.
The aspiring candidate received his official recognition from the National Electoral Commission of MORENA accompanied by his wife, Beatríz Gutiérrez Müller, Elena Poniatowska, and his personal team.
The leader of the MORENA party stated that given the serious and extensive national problems Mexico is currently facing, the following were his ten campaign promises:
Starting December 1, 2018, there will be a democratic rule of law . Law will be enforced according to legislation and provisions and nothing and no one would be above the Law. The Government will return to be a representative of the people. Human and constitutional rights will be respected and there will be no more electoral frauds or vote buying , as a true, authentic democracy will be established.
Foreign policy will obey the right of nations to self-determination and the principle of non-intervention. While there will be cooperation with the United States , racist attitudes or poor treatment of immigrants will not be tolerated.
The people will be exhorted to make of honesty a way of life and government. Corruption will be eradicated and privileges will be removed. Wages for high-ranking officials, starting with the President, will be lowered while the earnings of lower classes will be increased.
There will be development across the entire national territory and a solution will be found to the challenges Mexico City faces regarding earthquake vulnerability and shortage of water supply. The Federal Government will be decentralized yet allowances will be given to federal employees so they can relocate to another state. He proposes transferring Government Agencies and bodies as follows:
- Ministry of Tourism in Chetumal, Quintana Roo
- Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources in Mérida, Yucatán
- State-owned oil company PEMEX in Carmen City, Campeche
- Ministry of Energy in Villa Hermosa, Tabasco
- Federal Electricity Commission in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
- National Water Commission in Veracruz
- Ministry of Social Development in Oaxaca
- Ministry of Public Education in Puebla
- Ministry of Culture in Tlaxcala
- National Bank for Public Works and Services in Cuernavaca, Morelos
- National Worker's Housing Fund Institute (INFONAVIT) in Toluca, State of Mexico
- Ministry of Health in Acapulco, Guerrero
- Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Morelia, Michoacán
- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Feeding in Guadalajara, Jalisco
- Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) in Colima
- National Council of Promotion of Education in Aguascalientes
- Ministry of Public Administration in Querétaro
- Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare in Guanajuato
- Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development in Pachuca, Hidalgo
- Social Welfare Program DICONSA in Zacatecas
- Ministry of Communication and Transportation in San Luis Potosí
- Ministry of Economy in Monterrey, Nuevo Léon
- Banking Institution Nacional Financiera in Torreón, Coahuila
- National Forestry, Agriculture and Cattle Research Institute in Durango
- National Fund for Tourism Promotion in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit
- National Institute of Fisheries in Mazatlán, Sinaloa
- National Immigration Insitute in Tijuana, Baja California
- Presidency, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Defense and the Navy will remain in Mexico City.
Agriculture revitalization
. Fixed produce prices for farmers and growing one million of fruit trees and timber-yielding trees. The aim is to make Mexico self-sufficient in corn, beans, sorghum, beef, chicken, eggs, and fish.
Save the energy sector .
State will promote economic development . Taxes and public debt will not be increased. With savings from the fight against corruption efforts and excessive expenditure production projects and job offers will be financed. Internet access will be available in all the national territory, with free spots in some parts.
For the earthquake victims , a housing and public services program will be launched.
On his first day of government, AMLO promises young people will have a secure access to education and work. A monthly scholarship will be granted and low-income university students will receive allowances of MXN$2,400 per month. He also proposed employment through apprenticeships for 2 million, 300 thousand young people, with monthly wages of MXN$3,600.
The pension of senior citizens and retirees will be doubled to MXN$2,600 per month.
There will be access to free education at all levels. The current education reform will be rendered null and void.
Regarding violence and insecurity, López Obrador promised order will be imposed to ensure the safety of all Mexican citizens, in addition to creating a Ministry of Public Security, a National Guard, and establishing a Single Police Command. The aspiring candidate also proposed assuming the coordination of the public security cabinet as he once did when he was Mayor of Mexico City.
Upon consultation with victims, amnesty will be granted to offenders who choose rehabilitation, "similarly to what happens in other times and other countries."