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Mexican peppers and chilies are in the first and third place, respectively, within the world ranking of exports, which places them in the category of strategic crops with market potential in Agricultural Planning National 2017-2030 under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) .
These vegetables occupied the third place of the Mexican agricultural exports to the world, with 985 million dollars , according to the Agency of Services for the Marketing and Development of Agricultural Markets (ASERCA) .
In a statement, SAGARPA explained that Mexico occupies the first place internationally in the export of peppers, marketing 150,304 tons in 2017 , which represented revenues of 153.7 million dollars .
While green chili ranks third in exports worldwide, it accounts for one million 42 thousand 751 tons and a value of 984.7 million dollars in the different commercial niches of the world.
These two crops have the greatest potential in the international market, and Mexico produces 3.2 million tons per year , with an average growth of 4.82 percent during the period from 2003 to 2016 .
According to the National Agricultural Planning , chilies and peppers are important crops in the country’s export offer since 29.71 percent of the total production goes to the international market.
The federal agency said that the two Mexican crops represent a very significant percentage of imports made by countries such as the United States, Canada, and Guatemala , among others.
The demand for chili and peppers has increased in 20 countries in America, Asia, and Europe , as well as other nations with which Mexico does not have free trade agreements. The country is now one of the great international competitors.
For this reason, and in order to increase the sales opportunities of the Mexican chilies and peppers, producers of these vegetables will be presented at the third edition of the Mexico 2018 Food Show , to be held from August 14 to 16 at the Citibanamex Center , a fair that will be attended by national and international food buyers.