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On Thursday, Popocatépetl volcano registered an eruptive event and an exhalation of 1,800 meters , representing its largest activity since 2013 .
On Twitter, Carlos Valdés González , General Director of Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention ( Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres abbreviated Cenapred ), wrote in Spanish: “This is the largest activity since 2013.”
The eruptive event was registered by the Tlamacas station , located 4.5 kilometers away from the volcano and by the Altzomoni station , 12 kilometers away.
"Monitoring the Popocatepetl volcano activity, from the CENAPRED."
Mexico's National Coordinator for Civil Protection
, Luis Felipe Puente emphasized that the Popocatépetl volcano spewed a 1,800-meter fumarole with a moderate content of ash towards the South and South-East.