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In Mexico , about 705.000 Afro-descendant women continue to be discriminated against and stigmatized , so it is necessary to guarantee and protect their rights , the Mexican Human Rights Commission (CNDH) emphasized.
According to the results of the 2015 Inter-census Survey, conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), up to 1,38 million Mexicans identified themselves as Afro-descendants or Afro-Mexicans, representing 1,2% of the national population.
Of these, 705 thousand are women and 667 thousand are men. The majority of this population resides in the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Veracruz.
"Afro-descendant women in our country are victims of multiple discrimination, stigmatization, and inequality, the authorities and society in general are called to guarantee and protect their rights, as well as to promote opportunities for their participation in politics and decision-making in all areas," it said.
In the context of the International Day of Afro-descendant Women , the Commission headed by Luis Raúl González Pérez expressed concern about the situation to which they are exposed even though their rights are framed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals .
"These goals include ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls in the world; eliminate all forms of violence in the public and private spheres, including human trafficking and sexual exploitation , as well as to approve and strengthen sound policies and applicable laws to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all levels," he said.
He explained that the percentage of illiteracy among women aged 15 and over who identify themselves as Afro-descendent is 8,4% , above the national average of the same sector which is 6,5% , according to a report by the National Institute of Women .