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Over the past four years, Xochitla Foundation, a non-profit, non-governmental organization, aimed at the development and preservation of a vital area of ecological recovery encircled by industrial parks, has awarded the Xochitla Award to institutions, government agencies and non-governmental organizations dedicated to the preservation of the environment and the development of sustainability education.
This year's edition celebrated the work of the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA) founded, 24 years ago, by environmental lawyer Gustavo Alanís.
The ceremony of the IV Edition of the Xochitla Award was hosted by Xochitla Ecological Park, in the State of Mexico, and was conducted by Lorena Martínez, Director of Green Areas and Education Services at Xochitla Foundation.
The Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA) was the recipient of the IV Edition of the Xochitla Award, for its outstanding efforts in favor of environmental protection and preservation in Mexico.
María Eugenía de la Fuente, Chairwoman of the Board of CEMDA, received the award from Mr. Manuel Arango and took the opportunity to acknowledge the team behind the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA).
Ms. de la Fuente also thanked founder and Chairman of the Board of Xochitla Foundation, Mr. Manuel Arango, and Vice-president of Xochitla Foundation, José Manuel Muradás, for the recognition of 24 years of continuous work.
Founded in 1993, the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA), has worked for the legal defense and protection of the environment and natural resources in the whole of Mexico. As a non-profit, apolitical non-governmental organization, CEMDA is a member of the Organization of American States (OAS), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, as well as the Global Environment Facility Network (GEF).
Over the years, CEMDA has successfully managed to have a local, regional, national and international reach in areas such as the defense and strategic litigation for the protection of the environment and natural resources, research and publishing, development of public policies for the strengthening of legal instruments and training on environmental affairs for internal and external use.
The scope of CEMDA’s efforts includes air quality, sustainable infrastructure, climate change, a cleaner energy transition and the right to a healthy environment.
Gustavo Alanís, columnist for EL UNIVERSAL and Director General of the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA), thanked founder of the Xochitla Foundation, Mr. Manuel Arango, for the recognition and noted how CEMDA has promoted the creation of jobs for the past 24 years under the prospect of sustainability and respect for both the environment and the human rights of the communities -rural and indigenous- where real-estate and infrastructure projects are implemented.
The ceremony brought together friends and colleagues of long standing who have made the protection, and defense of the environment and natural resources visible, within the legal, recreational and educational landscape in Mexico. A no lesser task in times where the protection of the world’s environment is at risk and where the fight against the visible and quite palpable effects of climate change remains challenged.
Know more about CEMDA here: http://www.cemda.org.mx/