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“Orozco, Rivera y Siqueiros, Modernidad en México, 1910-1966” (Orozco, Rivera and Siqueiros, Modernism in Mexico, 1910-1966) was a success in the Art Museum of Lima (Mali), in Peru, where, until last weekend, it was visited by 122 thousand persons and now is getting ready to be presented next October in the Palazzo Fava, located in Bologna, Italy.
The Mexican National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) released the announcement, after recalling that the display began in Chile, in 2015, then moved to Argentina where it became the most visited exhibition in the last 20 years.
Organized by the Mexican Secretariat of Culture, the National Institute of Fine Arts, through the Carrillo Gil Art Museum and the Mali, the exhibition allowed the Peruvian people to know the expressionism of José Clemente Orozco (1883-1949); Diego Rivera's (1886-1957) exploration of cubism; and the never-ending search for innovation of David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974.)
More than 70 pieces, among paintings, sketches and engravings which the 3 plastic artists produced during the movement emerged after the Mexican Revolution, integrate this revision of the ancient and modern history of Mexico.
Some of the pieces presented in the exhibition are Siqueiro's "Nueva resurrección" and "Primera nota temática para el mural de Chapultepec"; Orozco's "Los muertos y "El combate"; and Rivera's "Mujer sentada en una butaca" and "Maximiliano Volonchine."