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Simpatizantes refrendan respaldo a Sheinbaum tras 100 días de gobierno; “hemos visto el cambio con ella”, dicen

FOTOS: Entre porras, música y hasta Batman; así se vivió el discurso de Sheinbaum por sus primeros 100 días en la administración

Zedillo hizo reforma al Poder Judicial a su contentillo, eso era autoritarismo; nosotros no: Sheinbaum

Sheinbaum reconoce a brigada mexicana para sofocar incendios en Los Ángeles; agradece su “valentía y generosidad”
The National Commission of Security (CNS) confirmed the arrest of 24-year-old Alfredo Beltrán Guzmán,“The Mochomito” by the Federal Police (PF) in Zapopan, Jalisco.
After intelligence works, “The Mochomito” was located and arrested, without a single shot fired, by members of the Anti-drugs Division of the Federal Police, together with four more people, including his bodyguards. During the arrest, authorities secured several weapons, a hand grenade and drug packages.
Alfredo Guzmán Beltrán is son of drug-lord Alfredo Beltrán Leyva, “El Mochomo” and nephew of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. “El Mochomito” has been blamed for kidnapping, murder and for the recent wave of violence in the state of Sinaloa, waged for the control of the “Golden Triangle “, region comprising the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Sinaloa where the largest heroin crops are grown in Mexico, and which is currently under the control of the Sinaloa Cartel.
Alfredo Guzmán Beltrán is being targeted as responsible for the attack to the home of El Chapo’s mother in the community of La Tuna in Badiraguato, Sinaloa, last June. He had fought for the dominance of the region against cousins, and sons to “El Chapo”, Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar and Alfredo Guzmán Salazar.