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Rinde protesta Blanca Elsy Cruz como directora del Centro Gerontológico Militar; es la primera mujer en ocupar el cargo
Aumentan llamadas a la Línea de la Vida, tras campaña antidrogas: Sheinbaum; insiste que en México no hay “problema tan grave”
Ella es Mariana de la Cruz; la primera mujer Defensora General y jefa de la Defensoría de Oficio Militar
Sheinbaum hablará con cónsules y embajadores sobre apoyo a migrantes; “el proyecto de transformación está dando resultados”, dice
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The Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) undertook the task of restoring the documentary “ El grito ” ( The Cry ) by Leonardo López Arretche . According to Hugo Villa, director of UNAM’s film archive , it was one of the institution’s top priorities when picking productions that would be subject to restoration and rescue.
“The film documents one of the most important episodes of Mexico’s modern history regarding student life.”
The film archive has a very large collection. However, until this year, they did not have a proper screen to show them on. “That is why we have created the Arcadia movie theater .”
From September 25 to 30 , Arcadia will be used as a space for the exhibition, study, reconstruction, and discussion of film materials that have been rescued both in Mexico and the rest of the world.
The event will be held in the framework of the 1968 Student Movement’s 50th anniversary to reflect upon social movements at the time. Its programme includes the projection of restored films -some of which have never been screened in Mexico-, silent films with live music, and the UNAM Film Archive Medal ceremony .