The so-called "soft targets" are now preferred by terrorists, since they are more difficult to predict
This particular spring has been a violent season for the British Lion
Attackers aim to generate a psychological impact. For that reason, giving them excessive coverage benefits them
Terrorism: Unstoppable nightmare?
There are certain factor in some European countries which contribute to the sentiment of disintegration in Arab immigrants
The head of Mexico's state department sent her condolences to the Russian government and family members of the late diplomat.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has proposed barring all Muslims from entering the United States.
According to a list dated April 6, 2015 given by the Ministry of Finance to EL UNIVERSAL, Mexico does not allow banking transactions with some people and companies in Iraq, Iran, Uganda, Bosnia, North Korea and Congo, among other nations.
The day before the Paris attacks, twin suicide bombers struck a southern Beirut suburb, killing at least 43 people, and on Friday a suicide bomber struck a funeral in Iraq, killing at least 21.