Cruz and Sanders win in Wisconsin
A majority of Republican voters say they're scared of a potential Trump presidency.
A majority of Republican voters say they're scared of a potential Trump presidency.
The Medellín v. Texas case set the stage for years of diplomatic tension between the U.S. and its southern neighbor.
They would still face tough mathematical odds of winning their parties' nominations.
Trump is facing pressure on multiple fronts following a difficult week.
The story took the Republican presidential race to a new level of personal rancor and Trump issued a statement saying he was not responsible for it.
La nominación republicana se desliza hacia una batalla entre Trump y Cruz
Cruz se apuntó una importante victoria, alcanzando el 70% de los sufragios con más del 25% del voto escrutado
Long lines and high interest marked primary elections across Arizona, Utah and Idaho.
Cruz said the U.S. should stop the flow of refugees.
Ted Cruz y John Kasich pelean por ser “la única alternativa” al magnate; del lado demócrata, Hillary lleva ventaja en primarias de este martes