Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi announced that Pope Francis will travel to Mexico next year.
The Vatican said Davis' supporters had "overblown" the encounter.
Francis gave the growing Latino Catholic community a moment like no other, putting them at the heart of the U.S church.
He said that clergy and bishops will be held accountable when they abuse or fail to protect children.
"God weeps, for the sexual abuse of children cannot be maintained in secret, and I commit to a careful oversight to ensure that youth are protected and that all responsible will be held accountable," Francis said.
Four mothers and two children were among the immigrants meeting the Pope in Philadelphia.
"Those ringing words continue to inspire us today," he said of the Declaration of Independence.
For 5-year-old Sophie the chance to wrap her arm around the pope's neck as he offered a hug, kiss and a blessing unfolded as perfectly as it was scripted by members of a coalition of Los Angeles-based immigration rights groups
The Colombian star performed in front of Pope Francis and a large number of world leaders.
Francis is getting a rock-star treatment.