El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, dijo que ha hablado varias veces con Trump sobre la salida de EU del TLCAN, pero se mostró confiado en que las renegociaciones del acuerdo seguirán
Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs asks to keep a "cool head" on the current situation with the U.S.
Canadian unions request that Mexico increase minimum wage to 4 American Dollars per hour
A rift in the PAN?
Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
NAFTA talks have begun and the U.S. Trade Representative said the agreement between his country, Mexico and Canada needs major improvements
The US and its labor requirements
An agreement is needed in which the Mexican and American governments can get directly involved to ensure the respect of human and labor rights of immigrants
Mexican cinema is biding its time
Production, quality, and interest in Mexican films are in their best moment, but legislation issues are working against them
Kia had a market penetration of 5.6 percent at the end of July in Mexico
The Senate will be provided with timely information, but Mexico will not disclose its strategy yet
Mexico needs to prove there is an alternative supply market