Batallan por alcanzar a Trump
Republicanos Rubio y Cruz publican declaraciones fiscales; retan al magnate a hacerlo; critican al empresario por negarse a condenar respaldo que le dio el Ku Klux Klan
Republicanos Rubio y Cruz publican declaraciones fiscales; retan al magnate a hacerlo; critican al empresario por negarse a condenar respaldo que le dio el Ku Klux Klan
The Florida senator grinned when a man yelled, "Viva la Constitution!"
Failure to defend their turf could leave each explaining what states they can win going forward - and make Donald Trump look all the more inevitable.
Anuncia plan que considera el traslado de 35 prisioneros a otros países, revisar los casos pendientes y reubicar al resto de detenidos en cárceles de EU
Buscan posicionar a Marco Rubio como favorito; hoy celebran caucus republicanos en Nevada
Rubio racked up endorsements from prominent Republicans.
Rubio and Cruz argue that with roughly 70% of GOP voters consistently voting for someone other than Trump, they have an opening as the GOP field keeps shrinking.
The Republican senator previously favored a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally, but now says border security - including expanding the Mexican border wall - is the priority.
And Bush had to tussle with Trump.
En caso de ganar al Presidencia de EU, el precandidato republicano dice que un enfoque realista a los problemas de inmigración ilegal del país es enfocarse en atrapar a los criminales