At least 3 tourists are still missing after gunmen kidnapped them in Puerto Vallarta
A criminal organization kidnapping a group of tourists in Puerto Vallarta on July 18
A criminal organization kidnapping a group of tourists in Puerto Vallarta on July 18
On May 20, local authorities reported criminals had kidnapped 14 doctors
The healthcare workers were rescued by local authorities last night
Gladis Giovana Cruz Hernández and Mario Alberto Reyes Nájera were arrested last night
The comments were made after she learned about the arrest of Genaro García Luna
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
In recent years, dozens of tourists have been the victims of kidnap and theft
The report concludes that “Mexico arguably has the most extensive migrant kidnapping and extortion problem globally”
Unofficial sources claim that two people were detained
The criminal group was allegedly responsible for five kidnappings from 2015 to 2018