The hospitalization of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has sparked new rumours on the ascent to the throne of his son the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who will inherit a country full of questions about its future
La hospitalización del rey Salman de Arabia Saudita ha generado nuevos rumores acerca del ascenso al trono de su hijo, el príncipe heredero Mohamed bin Salman, quien heredará un país lleno de preguntas sobre su futuro
The United States and its allies took a new step towards a dangerous showdown with China rejecting its “maritime empire” behaviour, as well as its alleged attempts “to alter the status quo” in the South China Sea and the East China Sea
Estados Unidos y sus aliados dieron un nuevo paso hacia un enfrentamiento con China al rechazar su conducta de “imperio marítimo” y sus presuntos intentos de “alterar el statu quo” en los mares del Sur y del Este de China
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has just been confirmed to remain in power until 2036 by a referendum
El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, acaba de ser confirmado en el poder hasta 2036 en referéndum
Paying for favours? Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador goes to Washington
Perhaps Andrés Manuel López Obrador is concerned by Donald Trump’s possible plans to keep the border closed and use Mexico as a scapegoat to justify the evident failure of his health policies
Tal vez AMLO está preocupado por los planes de Trump para mantener cerrada la frontera y utilizar a México para justificar el evidente fracaso de sus políticas de salud
Mexico is preparing to take up its seat as one of the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council for the 2021-2022 period
México se prepara a ocupar su escaño como uno de los 10 miembros no permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas para el periodo 2021-2022