On Tuesday, Mexico was listed as the worst country for social entrepreneurs out of the world’s 45 biggest economies in the second global poll of experts by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It fell 15 places from the inaugural survey three years ago.
The project won second place at the entrepreneurship simulator TrempCamp of the University of San Diego
EL UNIVERSAL and Vocento gathered companies, academics, and government in a forum; we have the opportunity to change teaching models: Luisa María Alcalde
To fight poverty in Oaxaca, these two Mexican entrepreneurs found in cacao a way to help Mixtec communities
She's only 19 but learned to programme on her own and has already developed ten apps
“Few things are impossible to diligence and skill”, five centuries later, scientist Ricardo Pablo Pedro proves Samuel Johnson right in the most inspiring of ways
IPN student wins silver medal
In the 2017 International Invention and Innovation Show (INTARG)