El traslado de los presos de la cárcel de Atlacholoaya se realizó para evitar que los grupos criminales tomen el control de los penales, reconoció el gobierno de Morelos
The "amparo" argues that the drug lord was isolated during his transfer from El Altiplano, in the State of Mexico, to the Federal Social Rehabilitation Center No. 9 in Ciudad Juárez.
Juan Pablo Badillo, attorney of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, said that his client is awakened every two hours at night.
Journalist Carlos Loret de Mola published on Twitter the first image of the drug lord in his cell.
Reducirán comodidades a Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán a su reingreso al penal de El Altiplano
The suspect is currently in 'El Altiplano' federal prison.
Será implementado un programa piloto de talleres, cursos y torneos de ajedrez en el Altiplano
Había 188 internos de más cuando se fugó Joaquín Guzmán, afirman
'El Canicón' era líder de 'Los Zetas'; se le acusó de asesinar a agentes federales
Vicente Flores Hernández, head of supervisors of El Altiplano prison's Control Center, and two more guards are being prosecuted for conducts that favored the escape of the head of the Sinaloa cartel.