“Roma” is based on his childhood in Mexico City during the 70's. It'll be released through Netflix
The crew, allegedly, decided to shoot in Spain to avoid the violence in Mexico
More inclusive and diverse, this award, which recognizes the best of Mexican cinema, celebrates it's 60th edition today
TV series based on real-life idols are a hit in Mexico and Latin America
“Buy Me a Gun” is the grim survival tale of a girl in a Mexico run by drug cartels
A remastered version of the Mexican classic was projected in Cannes
International star Toshiro Mifune played a native man from Oaxaca in “Ánimas Trujano”
Sylvester Stallone is planning to direct the fifth installment of the American war hero saga, which is already being written
Mexican filmmaker Gabriel Ripstein directs the project for Amazon Prime Video
This year's Cannes Classics includes the screening of the film "Enamoured" by Emilio Fernández