Continuous emissions of steam and gas heading to the north-northeast were also observed during the day.
Cenapred informó que el coloso también emitió 15 explosiones y se pudo ver incandescencia que aumentaba con las explosiones
The monitoring system of the volcano also reported 19 explosions.
El Cenapred reportó también 19 explosiones y un evento volcanotectónico con magnitud 1.4
According to the report, 20 minutes of tremor and one volcano-tectonic earthquake were also recorded.
According to Cenapred, continuous emissions of steam and gas heading to the southwest were observed.
El Cenapred informó que durante la noche se observó incandescencia sobre el cráter, mientras que muy temprano hubo emisión continua de vapor de agua y gases
Cenapred also reported four explosions.
According to the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the volcano also registered 33 minutes of harmonic tremor.
Nine explosions were also reported.