En las últimas 24 horas, el volcán emitió 43 exhalaciones y tres explosiones de baja intensidad
Five explosions and 29 minutes of low-amplitude harmonic tremor were also reported.
Cenapred informó que durante el día y tarde de ayer, se observó emisión continua de vapor de agua y gases, también hubo incandescencia sobre el cráter
At the time of this report, continuous emissions of steam and gas were observed.
A continuous emission of steam and gas was also reported.
El Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres informó que durante las últimas 24 horas se identificaron seis exhalaciones más de baja intensidad, que estuvieron acompañadas de vapor y gas
The exhalations were accompanied by emissions of steam and gas.
Six explosions were also registered, according to Cenapred's report.
According to the report by Cenapred, 26 low-intensity exhalations were also registered.
The monitoring system also reported 56 low-intensity exhalations during the last 24 hours.