La sinópsis de un capítulo de "Pokémon Journeys" ha levantado las sospechas
A ocho meses de su estreno, la serie provocó que cientos de niños japoneses sufrieran ataques epilépticos por ver un episodio
25 low-intensity exhalations accompanied by emissions of steam and gas were also reported
25 low-intensity exhalations accompanied by emissions of steam and gas were also reported
Also, the volcano recorded 271 minutes of low-amplitude tremor
An explosion and a 5-km-high fumarole were also observed in the last 24 hours
During the last 24 hours, continuous emissions of incandescent material and volcanic ash have been reported.
6-mile exclusion zone established at the Montegrande canyon area
The monitoring system of the volcano also registered 99 minutes of low-amplitude harmonic tremor
Four explosion were also reported, according to Cenapred.