Dog Howling at the Moon” is considered one of the masterpieces of Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo
Snoopy returns to Mexico City
Check out this international exhibition at the Museum of Design (MUMEDI)
This photographic exhibition displays the works of 55 Mexican artists
Promoting Huichol art
The First Biennial of Huichol Art in Mexico aims to promote the work of unknown Huichol artists
Art boosting Mexico-Colombia ties
Evoking biculturalism within the “Oro, Espíritu y Naturaleza de un Territorio” exhibition
To portray Egypt in drawing, photography or hand-made toys
The colony is an outdoor gallery where locals have agreed to have the walls of their homes painted by artists
Huichol art in Mexico City
Ten monumental sculptures show the “richness and grandeur" of Wixárika art"
Zona Maco 15th edition
Latin America’s leading art fair platform
Caravaggio at the MUNAL
An original artwork of this famous Italian painter will be displayed in Mexico City