Se estrenará el próximo 12 de abril y es el primer sencillo del disco "Map of the Soul: Persona", el cual también será lanzado ese día
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
The President pampers the army
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Violence has spiraled over the last decade amid a military-led war on drug trafficking
The Pentagon first approved the high-profile deployment of active-duty U.S. troops to the Mexico border in October, before the November congressional elections
Holding the army back?
Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
According to the proposal, the head of the force will be a civilian, but operational chiefs will be military officers
Military desertion
Mexico has already suffered the consequences of a lack of control over those who abandon the army
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
AMLO's message to the army
Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL