Gobierno acusa a los rebeldes de las acciones, quienes niegan uso de gas tóxico en Aleppo
Within the framework of the 7th. Arab Week organized by the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Dr. Nuria Sanz, representative of the UNESCO office in Mexico, said that so far 14 mosques have been rebuilt in Syria since the beginning of the conflict in 2011.
La victoria es clave para el acceso del ejército sirio a la capital provincial
Crece en Aleppo cifra de muertos
Turquía acusa a Rusia de buscar limpieza étnica en suelo sirio
Combatants on one side are part of a new U.S.-backed alliance that includes a powerful Kurdish militia, while their opponents include rebels who are widely seen as backed by Turkey and who have also received support in a U.S.-backed aid program.
Turquía derriba 'drone' que violó su espacio aéreo; Washington cree que es ruso, pero Moscú lo niega; muertos por guerra contra Al-Assad superan 250 mil