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The World Tourism Organization (WTO) confirmed that Mexico went from eighth to sixth place in reception of international tourists, registering 39.3 million foreign visitors who arrived in the country last year, surpassing powers such as the United Kingdom, Turkey, and Germany .
Based on the document " OMT Panorama of International Tourism 2018, " figures of 2017 indicate that the country rose two places in the world ranking, rising from 8th place in 2016 , with 35.1 million international tourists , to 6th place , with 39.3 in 2017, which represented a 12% growth in the flow of travelers.
The document "OMT Panorama of International Tourism 2017" indicates that the first place for the arrival of international tourists is occupied by France with 86.9 million ; Spain ranked second place with 81.8 million , and the United States ranked third with 75.9 million .
China ranked fourth with 60.7 million
, Italy was fifth with 58.3 million while the United Kingdom registered a flow of 37.7 million tourists . Turkey ranked 8th, with 37.6 million; Germany, 37.5 million, and Thailand ranked 10th, with 35.4 million .
The WTO also reported in a statement that the United States held the first place in the world ranking by raising foreign currency in 2017, registering 210.7 billion dollars ; Spain retained the second place with 68 billion , and France repeated the third place with an income of 60.7 billion .
These excellent results in 2017, added the international body, were driven by the sustained demand for travel to destinations in all regions of the world, including the strong recovery experienced by those who have faced security challenges in recent years.