Poblano peppers filled with a mixture containing meat, fruits, and spices topped with a walnut-based cream sauce know as nogada, pomegranate seeds, and parsley, are the stuffed chiles that probably enjoy of the greatest prestige in Mexican cuisine, our beloved Chiles en nogada .
The dish itself represents Mexico in its integrity and its symbolic implications are massive: the green of the parsley, the white of the nogada, and the red pomegranate seeds are the colors of our country's flag, patriotic colors rendered to the fortunate guest to the Independence feast held every September 15.
There is no doubt that Chiles en nogada are in the spotlight each year on September ready to play the main role in every meal. Plenty of restaurants offer the dish as the spécialité de saison par excellence, while others present a wide range of dishes inspired on this decadent dish.
Who would have thought of macarons, doughnuts, cakes, ice-creams or any sweet delicacy of sorts inspired on the Chiles en nogada? Well, in Mexico City there are a few places where you can find a well-executed sweet tribute to our beloved chiles en nogada.