
A dessert haven in Mexico City

Chef Roberto Gutiérrez is taking desserts to new heights in BOCA

A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
A dessert haven in Mexico City
26/11/2019 |15:44EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican chef Roberto Gutiérrez is taking desserts to new heights in , Mexico City's first dessert-only restaurant .

, located in one of Mexico City 's most trendy neighborhoods, offers a wide range of plated desserts and pastries that take you on an exciting culinary experience .

At BOCA , all the ingredients are fresh and Roberto Gutiérrez uses local suppliers to guarantee the quality of his desserts .

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Among costumers, the favorite pastries are guava and goat cheese , gin tonic , and cacao .
