
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures

Alebrijes were created by Pedro Linares in 1936, in Mexico City

Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
Alebrijes, fantastical creatures
22/10/2018 |10:53EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
Redacción El Universal
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Alebrijes are mythical and fantastical creatures made out of papier-mâché and painted in bright colors.

Pedro Linares, the creator, had fever and was hallucinating, and when he woke up, he remembered the creatures he saw in his dreams.

Also, Pedro Linares' work influenced Oaxacan artisans, who have prospered thanks to this craft.

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