
8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico

In unison, women around the world came together in gatherings large and small to mark International Women’s Day in both joyous celebrations and angry protests

8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico
8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico
8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico
8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico
8M: Women demand an end to femicide in Mexico
09/03/2018 |12:32Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
Redacción El Universal
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On Thursday, March 8 , over 2,000 women marched along Reforma Avenue in Mexico City demanding an end to femicide in Mexico , at the same time they made an urgent call for gender equality in the country.

In unison, women around the world came together in gatherings large and small on Thursday to mark International Women’s Day with a call for gender equality in both joyous celebrations and angry protests.

The day had extra resonance this year after widespread sexual abuse accusations in Hollywood sparked the #MeToo movement which feminists hope signals one of the most significant shifts toward equal rights in decades.

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