
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca

These four restaurants serve exceptional, fresh, and delicious food in Oaxaca

The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
The 4 best restaurants in Oaxaca
07/08/2019 |13:16EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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Oaxacan cuisine

is the result of a clash between two worlds: ancient ingredients such as corn, beans, cacao, tomato, chile, grasshoppers, worms and other ingredients brought there by colonizers, including pork, beef, chicken, cheese, bread, lard, among other ingredients.

Currently, Oaxaca has become a hotspot for foodies all over the world and is full of endless options to satisfy any palate.

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