
Art to raise awareness against gender-based violence

Indian photographer Sujatro Ghosh captured lady friends and female acquaintances wearing a cow mask to raise awareness against gender-based violence

Indian photographer Sujatro Ghosh captured women wearing cow masks in different locations throughout India.
In India, 36,735 women were raped only in 2014, Ghosh believes gender-based violence needs to be made visible to begin its eradication.
In India, the cow is venerated as a sacred animal with penalties ranging from 3 years in prison to life sentence for murder of the animal.
While the most conservative groups protect the cow as a sacred animal, they look away to gang-rape or femicides.
Ghosh wishes that his efforts become a global protest and he has thus commenced a crowdfunding project that he hopes will allow him to take pictures in different locations throughout India.
11/07/2017 |17:09Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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23-year-old Sujatro Ghosh captures women wearing cow masks in different public spaces.

The photographer is convinced that making the problem visible will contribute to begin its eradication.


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