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Students of the Technological Institute of Morelia ( ITM ) have developed a cosmetics line made from hibiscus flower. The project benefits the skin and also helps the flower producers in La Huacana.
The multidisciplinary team from the ITM is formed by Araceli Duran Duran , a student of Biochemical Engineering ; Aurora and Emma Duran Gil , who are studying Mechatronic Engineering and Business Management , respectively, as well as Luis Fernando Sánchez Aleman, studying Business Management.
The students explained that this project uses the hibiscus flower as its main ingredient, a plant that is purchased at a fair price from producers in La Huacana so that the cosmetics production can benefit families in the region.
The students extract a pigment from the hibiscus flower , that helps to regenerate and heal the skin . Their products are also lead-free , and they offer lipstick , eye-shadows , and blush .
The ITM students explained that the project's aim is to provide a product that benefits the local economy and to use their talent.
The students received the Ecosol 2018 Award a few days ago, an award granted by the Ministry of Social Development ( Sedesol ), through the Mexican Youth Institute ( Imjuve ).