
Zaldívar takes over the Supreme Court

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Minister Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea - Photo: /Eduardo Verdugo/AP
03/01/2019 |10:24
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Zaldívar takes over the Supreme Court

The minister decided the succession of the presidency of the Supreme Court in private and through a fast-track procedure . We've been told that during a meeting previous to the public one, members of the Supreme Court were convinced that minister Arturo Zaldívar was the best option, actually, one of the contenders, Alberto Pérez Dayán , left the race, which make the previous agreement easier. Minister Arturo faced Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena and Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo . In the end, Zaldívar presented himself as a strong figure that could preserve and fight for the judiciary's independence before President López Obrador's government . Among the independence antecedents, the nursery ABC and the Florence Cassez cases were emphasized, as well as the Atenco and the marihuana cases during Peña Nieto's presidency. And then, the voting process was done. From now on, we've been told, we will see the independence of the court's new president, who was said to be AMLO 's favorite.

Investigating the Alonso-Moreno Valle case

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The federal government is set to announce developments in regards to the helicopter crash where Puebla's Governor, Martha Érika Alonso , and her husband, Senator Rafael Moreno Valle died. We've been told that during the investigation, where experts from the U.S., Canada, and Europe collaborated, was sped and in the incoming hours, they will announce developments in regards to what caused the helicopter crash on December 24. In fact, we've been told that P resident Andrés Manuel López Obrador will offer details about the case and the results of the reports during his morning press conference . So we will have to pay attention to the possible conclusions and the answer given by the members of the PAN , who have demanded the clarification of the tragic event.

Contradictions at the IMSS

Germán Martínez,

the IMSS director , has contradicted himself: he gave instructions to the institute's delegations to hire medical staff with the aim to guarantee appointments and free medicines at the IMSS Bienestar and, at the same time, he fired employees, who are now organizing demonstrations under the argument that they're not phantom employees but workers who are looking to get a tenure position. We've been told that the fired employees think it's ironic that the IMSS Bienestar will fire 80 doctors and nurses when the IMSS is focusing on strengthening the program, that looks to care for those affiliated to the Seguro Popular . Oh well...

The PRD's new leader

The PRD has a new image in 2019 . The PRD members have a new national direction and new statutes. This despite the pending objections that will be solved by the Electoral Tribunal but the leaders haven't returned from their Christmas and New Year vacations. So it'll be until next week when the new five leaders come out en masse . By the way, we've been told that they will be in power for the next 12 months, or will the party disappear before the period ends?
