
Yucatán to invest MXN$2,500 million in hydroagricultural infrastructure

Some MXN$1,600 million have been channeled by Mexico's government through Mexico's National Water Commission

A tractor plows a dusty field while irrigation systems run at full capacity – Photo: Gary Emeigh/AP
24/03/2018 |09:04Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico's National Water Commission

( CONAGUA ) has allocated MXN$2,500 million in the execution of various actions in drainage , sanitation , and overall hydro-agricultural infrastructure in Yucatán , southern Mexico.

Ignacio Mendicuti Priego

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, director general of the Yucatán Peninsula Basin Agency ( OCPY ), disclosed that some MXN$1,600 million have been channeled by Mexico's government o through CONAGUA's agency OCPY.

Such an investment was made possible by the impetuous collaboration between government and society, an essential coalition to face “the challenges and problems that water has as both local and on a national level,” as taking care of water is for the benefit of current and future generations, assured Mendicuti Priego.

“Efforts should be focused on protecting and caring for the environment" he emphasized.

For its part, Eduardo Batllori Sampedro , Head of the Department of Urban Development and Environment of Yucatán , thanked the current coordination that exists at all levels of government to protect and care for water in the state.
