
Yucatán inhabitants build walls along the beach to keep locals away

According to neighbors, this wall would “privatize” a part of the beach, which is illegal

This is the second time homeowners build walls in public beaches - Photo: Left: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL, Right: Harish Tyagi/EFE
17/04/2019 |14:05Yazmín Rodríguez / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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For the second time this year, individuals have built walls in the Yucatán port . Through social media , neighbors denounced that a homeowner had built a wall on the beach so that people can't walk or cross through this area.

Two months ago, a U.S. couple did the same and then were forced to tear down the fence they had installed on the beach .

According to neighbors, this wall would “ privatize ” a part of the beach , which is illegal .

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They are also asking federal, state, and local authorities to solve the issue since this generates a bad image for the beach .

The Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)

fined the U.S. couple and ordered the removal of the fence .

In the case of the couple, the man built a fence on the beach and blocked the locals from walking through that area. After the social media post went viral, Anne Cleasy , said they would remove the fence . They were fined because the Mexican law establishes that beaches are free and open to all.
