
Youtuber roams the streets of Saltillo amid the COVID-19 pandemic

The youtuber, who has 409 subscribers, ignored the recommendations issued by health authorities

Coahuila Governor Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís imposed the mandatory use of face masks when people leave their homes - Photo: Screenshot taken from the video
26/04/2020 |11:59Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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In Saltillo , Coahuila , local Juan Castelo ignored the quarantine , physical distancing measures, and the mandatory use of face masks to record a video for his YouTube channel amid the pandemic.

In his video, he says he is not wearing a because “he’s never used those things before.”

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Two weeks ago, Coahuila Governor Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís imposed the mandatory use of face masks when people leave their homes, otherwise, they will be fined.


The skates through the city center and shows that some businesses are still open. He emphasizes that very few people have left their homes and that the city is almost empty.

In his video, Castelo complained about the order to stay home and said the government must provide financial aid for those who can’t work from home; however, the man left his home to record a video, not to work or carry out an essential activity .

In the video, the youtuber says people in Saltillo are still partying and proposed banning the sale of alcohol.

