It took authorities from the Guinness World Record organization over 9 hours to certify “ Xonita ” as the world's largest teddy bear .

The teddy bear weights 3 tons and it's 20 meters long.


, a municipality located in the state of Mexico, is known for its stuffed animals' industry , therefore, they were in charge of making the world's largest teddy bear .

For three months, 48 stuffed animals makers started working on the project. They are looking to highlight this trade , which employs over 400 people in Xonacatlán .

In order to make Xonita , at least 10 seamstresses used 600 meters of fabric.

The l ocal government, business owners , and other sponsors invested at least MXN $500,000 to make Xonita .

They all hope that this Guinness World Record will reactivate the economy and position Xonacatlán as one of the largest and best producers of stuffed animals in the world.


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