
Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass four million

The number of coronavirus cases worldwide topped four million as some of the hardest-hit countries readied Sunday to lift lockdown restrictions

Laboratory technicians handle microcentrifuge tubes containing patient samples to be tested for the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 - Photo: Brian Inganga/AP
11/05/2020 |15:06
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The number of coronavirus cases worldwide topped four million as some of the hardest-hit countries readied Sunday to lift , despite concerns about a second wave of infections .


Governments around the world are trying to stop the spread of the disease while scrambling for ways to relieve pressure on their economies, which are facing with millions pushed into unemployment.

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But with the already past 277,000, nations are keen to avoid second waves of infections that could overwhelm their healthcare systems, with a new cluster of cases in South Korea raising fears about the virus hitting back rapidly.

Amid the barrage of deaths, some European countries have cited signs of progress that they said justified cautious steps towards a sense of normality.

Officials in France on Saturday said the day's death toll of 80 was the lowest since early April, while nursing home fatalities also fell sharply as the nation prepared to relax curbs on public movement imposed eight weeks ago.

The easing, to begin Monday, has brought mixed reactions.

French health officials have warned that " the epidemic remains active and is evolving " and that must be kept up even as restrictions are eased.

In Spain , about half the population will be allowed out on Monday for limited socialisation , and restaurants will be able to offer some outdoor service as the country begins a phased transition set to last through June.

Fears lingered, however, of a resurgence, and authorities excluded Madrid and Barcelona —two COVID-19 hotspots —from the first phase.


is also easing some restrictions on Monday, and in some parts of Germany , bars and restaurants reopened on Saturday with further easing set for Monday.

Overall, the situation in Europe was still far from normal.

Global economic figures are pointing to the most acute downturn in nearly a century with businesses forced to shut and supply lines badly disrupted, and pressure is growing on leaders around the world to find a way out.


In the United States , the country with the world's highest death toll , President Donald Trump faced sharp criticism from his predecessor Barack Obama , who said on a leaked tape that Trump's handling of the crisis was an " absolute chaotic disaster ."

Facing re-election in November, Trump has insisted that next year would be "phenomenal" for the U.S. economy, urging reopening in a country where the virus continues to claim well over 1,000 lives daily.

The United States lost an unprecedented 20.5 million jobs in April, driving the unemployment rate to 14.7 percent— .


Health experts have cautioned that while the growth of cases may be slowing in some European and Asian countries, other nations—many of them impoverished—are only in the first phases of their outbreaks .

In Iran , the Middle East's virus epicentre , many were taking advantage of loosened restrictions despite worries about a spike in infections.

And in neighbouring Pakistan , the world's fifth most-populous country , the government ended the lockdown on Saturday and locals streamed into markets and shops, despite still-high infection rates.
