More than two million cases of the new coronavirus have been officially registered around the world.


At least 2,113,226 infections , including 141,545 deaths , have been recorded worldwide.

The United States , where the virus is spreading most rapidly, registered 653,825 cases and 30,998 deaths.

The tallies, using data collected from national authorities and information from the World Health Organization ( WHO ), probably reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections.


The brunt of the disease has been felt most heavily in , , , , and the United Kingdom , but grim projections of a virus that would spread with equal ferocity to other corners of America and the world have not yet materialized after more than a month of measures meant to blunt its impact.

Officials around the world worried that halting quarantine and could easily undo the hard-earned progress that those steps have achieved in slowing the spread.

Still, there were signs countries were looking in that direction.


permitted some workers to return to their jobs, while a hard-hit region of Italy loosened its lockdown restrictions. Governors on both coasts of the U.S. announced that they would join forces to come up with a coordinated reopening at some point, setting the stage for a potential conflict with President Donald Trump , who asserted that he is the ultimate decision-maker for determining how and when to reopen.


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