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Only twelve days after an 8.2-magnitude earthquake hit Mexico minutes before midnight on Thursday, September 7 , a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the country on Tuesday, September 19 .
The epicenter was located just 120km from Mexico City in the limits between neighboring states of Puebla and Morelos hitting the country on the 32nd anniversary of the 1985 earthquake which caused over 10,000 deaths as well as extensive material losses and damage in Mexico City, an area particularly vulnerable due to its location on top of an ancient lake bed.
Mexico is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries since it is located at the intersection of three tectonic plates.
Thus, the international community has expressed their solidarity with Mexico after the recent earthquakes.
Leaders, public officials, and personalities around the world have sent many personal gestures of support and collaboration .
International rescue teams, technical teams, and brigades have been arriving in Mexico to provide the immediate assistance after the devastating earthquakes.
Even world monuments have been lit up with the colors of the Mexican flag honoring the victims of the Mexico's earthquake.