
Will Rocío Nahle run for Governor?

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Rocío Nahle was appointed Energy Minister by President López Obrador - Photo: Luis Ramírez/EFE
06/05/2020 |09:41
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Will Rocío Nahle run for Governor?

On May 2, lawmaker Amado Jesús Cruz Malpica proposed a bill to reform the Veracruz constitution. This might not have a huge impact on the country; however, it seems like the new law could benefit Energy Minister Rocío Nahle . Currently, the state Constitution established that in order to become Governor , you have have been born in Veracruz. Now, Cruz Malpica proposed that people whose children were born in the state can run for governors, which is the case of Nahle because although she was born in Zacatecas, she was lived in Veracruz for a long time. In case the bill is passed, now Nahle will only have to overcome the oil crisis and rescue Pemex so that she can run for Governor in 2024.


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Will Facebook and Twitter release information on bots?

For the second day in a row, President López Obrador asked Twitter and Facebook to release information on their profits allegedly obtained through the payment they receive to allow bots to attack his government. Moreover, he also urged the two companies to reléase the name of their clients and said this information has been made public in other countries. Meanwhile, the Mexican President has asked his team to work on a presentation to explain what is a bot, how does it work, and how much does it cost. It would be interesting if both Facebook and Twitter released information on bots so that we all know who is behind the attacks against journalists and media outlets when they criticize the current government.


COVID-19 and the INAI

In a few weeks, the INAI will start the process to appoint a new director but as we’ve said before, the current director, Francisco Javier Acuña will participate to lead the institute for another three years. We’ve been told that the public health crisis has benefitted Acuña since the INAI wasn’t able to appoint two new commissioners, which could have changed the number of votes he would receive. We’ve been told that he has secured two votes and that the other contender, Blanca Lilia Ibarra, has Slim chances of winning the election.


The pandemic benefits Morena

As we previously announced, the Permanent Commission ’s session was canceled under the argument that the COVID-19 pandemic will reach its peak this week and that there is nothing left to discuss, not even online. We’ve been told that this situation fits Morena , as it gives the ruling party more time to negotiate an extraordinary period to discuss a law that would give President López Obrador faculties to manage the 2020 budget.

