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Presentan informe “El legado de López Obrador”; señalan secuelas de reforma judicial y desaparición de órganos autónomos
One year after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office, there are not many developments in regards to one of the President's most polemic and ambitious proposals: the decentralization of the majority of ministries and government departments . Nevertheless, the majority of offices in other cities are either empty or show no sign that ministries will be established there in the near future.
Although the project is commendable , since the intention is to end with centralism in public service and promote the equal diversification of government offices throughout the country, in order to promote the redistribution of companies and industries from the private secto r, the truth is that one year after the proposal was made, nothing concrete has been done to turn this project into a reality.
Since the proposal was announced, workers rejected it. They didn't receive a clear explanation about their future in another city, and they weren't even informed if they would have to cover their travel expenses or if the government would provide financial aid to purchase a new home for them and their families as well as for their children's education; or in case they refuse to move, if they would receive a settlement .
Several of the ministries chosen to move to other cities don't even have a physical space to be established; others have received a building but it is still empty or supervised by security guards. However, the are other ministries that have shown developments, for example, the Energy Ministry is working from Villahermosa , Tabasco but she has acknowledged that the move is still on hold and will take some time.
It wouldn't be acceptable to find out that despite the viability of the move, the headquarters change was only a witticism that wasn't well thought, as in the case of the Santa Lucía airport, which lacked a good part of the technical and environmental impact studies necessary, before considering its viability to replace the Texcoco airport , whose construction was planned for three years. We hope that the decentralization plan considered the pros and cons and more importantly, listening to all of those involved.