
Who is protecting the Santa Lucía airport?

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The construction of the airport has been halted by several amparos - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
26/08/2019 |09:17
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Who is protecting the Santa Lucía airport?

Last week, a new chapter in the war against the Santa Lucía airport started at the Judiciary : a new series of writs of amparo promoted by Indigenous people from Tacámac and Zumpango , communities close to the Santa Lucía airbase . Nevertheless, it seems like someone is putting several obstacles on the way of the Indigenous communities . We've been told that they've seen a counselor of the federal judiciary visit the offices of the judges handling the case on several occasions. Could it be that the counselor is siding with the federal government and against the writs of amparo filed by the Indigenous communities who are trying to prevent the construction of the Santa Lucía airport ?

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The new PRI

In order to gain support, we've been told that the PRI is already making “great changes.” In the videos the new PRI president, Alejandro Moreno, shares every day when he arrives to work, it can be seen that the turnstiles at the PRI offices have been removed. Now anyone can enter the PRI offices, just as the former contender Ivonne Ortega and the lawmaker René Juárez suggested. Nevertheless, you can't build an empire overnight, so the PRI will look to gain the voters' trust little by little but it is uncertain if the party has enough oxygen left.

The Electoral Tribunal reaffirms its independence

We've been told that you should pay attention to the message the president of the Electoral Tribunal will share today, on the 23rd anniversary of the creation of the Judiciary . We've been told that magistrate Felipe Fuentes Barrera will emphasize the importance of autonomy and will vow not to succumb to political interests or pressure . We've been told that Felipe Fuentes is looking to send a message to show that strong and autonomous institutions are essential for democracy . In order to comply with austerity, he will guarantee that every cent is spent the right way.

Elba Esther Gordillo is back

The former union leader and teacher Elba Esther Gordillo has been quite active on Facebook , as she accused the SNTE of defamation and lies . She made a certain comment after the union inaugurated an exhibition that shows the paintings Gordillo bought using SNTE resources. And while the SNTE os busy with art, Gordillo is trying to find a way to become the union leader once again, through a new organization, Social Progressive Networks , which could become a political party soon, as well as with the support of an organization called Teachers for Mexico , which is infiltrating the SNTE and is trying to negotiate with the federal government. The school year starts today and we already know Elba Esther is back.
