
WHO praises Mexico for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic

The WHO also offered to have a conversation with Mexican authorities regarding technical matters linked to the COVID-19 pandemic

WHO officials drew attention to Mexico's health measures to fight the virus - Photo: Francisco Cañedo/Xinhua
27/05/2020 |14:58Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The offered to have a conversation with Mexican authorities regarding technical matters linked to the COVID-19 pandemic .

“Authorities from the three levels of the WHO will be delighted to talk about technical matters to continue assessing this situation with Mexican health authorities when they deem it convenient,” said the international organization through a note verbale delivered to Mexico’s Permanent Mission to the International Organizations at Geneva , Switzerland directed by ambassador Socorro Flores Liera .

The Mexican government presented an inquiry to the WHO on May 8 about the current actions in response to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

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The international organization reminded that last May 1st, Dr. Michael J. Ryan , head of the WHO, talked about the need to toughen the COVID-19 surveillance for the world will not be able to defeat the virus until all the member states are able to detect suspected cases and perform tests , as well as locate and isolate people infected with COVID-19 since it is the only feasible way to fight the virus.


Moreover, he added, the WHO has published detailed recommendations on strategies related to diagnostic tests in laboratories regarding four different situations of spread.

“The situation is unprecedented and the world must be flexible and it must strategically direct their public health measures , including surveillance,” said the WHO to Mexico.

Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Ministry

shared the WHO’s response to the Mexican government.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) wants to congratulate Mexico’s Government for the firm social and public health measures it has adopted to date, including the imposition of strict restrictions to mobility and the temporary suspension of the activities of important companies to limit the propagation of COVID-19.


“The economic support plan implemented by the Mexican government in its country shows its long-term vision of the road ahead and its will to prioritize the interests of its citizens during the current situation in which the world ventures into an unprecedented stage to face this virus,” said the WHO in the note.

Moreover, the international organization welcomed the decision of the Mexican government to maintain many of the implemented measures until the epidemiological situation of the country improves.

It drew attention to the recommendations recently issued by the WHO regarding the adjustment to health and social measures that include several appendixes on matters that range from reopening schools and workplaces to the possibility of allowing mass gatherings, and contact tracing , among others.

