
Which governors are with Anaya?

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Ricardo Anaya, yesterday at the INE – Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
12/03/2018 |10:08
Redacción El Universal
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Which governors are with Anaya?

Is it a coincidence? This is what our sources wonder about the governors of the coalition For Mexico to the Front – formed by the conservative National Action Party (PAN), left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), and center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC). It seems yesterday some of them were absent at the registration of their presidential candidate, Ricardo Anaya before the National Electoral Institute (INE). The Governors of Tamaulipas, Baja California, Nayarit, Guanajuato, Tabasco, and the Mayor of Mexico City were there. The missing ones? The Governors of Baja California Sur, Puebla, Chihuahua, Veracruz, Querétaro, Durango, Guascalientes, Michocán, Quintana Roo, and Morelos. There are some who claim there are no coincidences in politics and yesterday almost a dozen of governors happened to be absent as they had no reason not to attend the event. Anyway, we still have the campaign kickoff event and Mr. Ricardo could get a better idea by then of who is with him and who isn't.

Moreno Valle on the sidelines?

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And talking about the Front and absencess, yesterday Martha Erika Alonso registered before Puebla's electoral institute as a candidate of the coalition PAN-PRD-MC to run for governor of the state. However, the absence of her husband and former governor, Rafael Moreno Valle , caused quite a stir. Although some say his is the hand that rocks the cradle – and as an example, they mention Michel Chain, former political operator of Moreno Valle and recently appointed candidate of the Green Party to run for Governor – yesterday Mr. Rafael allowed his wife to have the spotlight. Of course, it was made clear that family is first and even though her husband didn't attend, Mrs. Martha Erika was joined by ther in-laws, the parents of the former governor. Does anyone actually believe Mr. Rafael is staying on the sidelines of the campaign?

Felipe Calderón puts some distance

Talking about husbands putting some distance, former Mexican President Felipe Calderón didn't attend yesterday to the registry before the National Electoral Institute of Margarita Zavala as an independent candidate to the Presidency. We're told this looked more like a strategy to avoid Margarita carrying the critics Calderón has drawn to himself. Our sources say that Mr. Felipe traveled to Chile to attend the inauguration of Sebastián Piñera as President of the nation. The alibi of the trip to Chile fit Zavala like a glove. Let's see how her team manages Calderón's presence in what remains of the campaign and whether this will add or detract for his wife on July 1st.

The PRI's nervousness

For the umpteenth time, the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) urged Mexico's Office of the Attorney General (PGR) to make more progress on the money laundering investigation in which the presidential candidate of the coalition PAN-PRD-MC, Ricardo Anaya , has been involved. The campaign of José Antonio Meade demanded the PGR to make speedy progress. Some have told us they have the impression that PRI members have begun to despair and that each passing day there is a risk of Mr. Ricardo going from alleged criminal to victim. In the upcoming weeks, polls being made today will begin to be published and we will see who has benefited and who affected negatively by the accusations. PRI members watch at the edge of their seats.
