
War against Islamic State is over in Iraq

Iraqi PM, Haider al-Abadi, announced yesterday the territory has been liberated from the control of the terrorist group

Members of the Imam Ali Division celebrating the declaration of the Iraq government on their triymph against the terrorist group – Photo by AFP
10/12/2017 |15:00
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After more than three years of heavy combat, Iraq announced yesterday their war against the Islamic State (IS, ISIS) is over, following the expulsion of the extremists from the country by Iraq's soldiers.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced during a speech broadcast through local television that the territory had been liberated and that victory was secured with the “help of God, the strength of the Iraqi people, and the courage of their heroic forces.”

Lieutenant General Abdul-Amir Rasheed Yar Allah confirmed the land had been fully liberated from the Daesh – Arab acronym for the IS – and that Iraqi forces controlled now the border with Syria.

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During the summer of 2014, IS occupied almost a third of the territory of Iraq, including Mosul , the second largest city in the country. In the last three years and a half, Iraqi forces – with the support of a coalition led by the United States – retook the territory once under the control of the extremists.

In November, Iraq liberated the last city under IS control, Rawah, located close to the border with Sirya .

However, several Iraqi and U.S. officials have cautioned that despite the military victory, there are still key challenges ahead, such as the possibility of attacks launched by remaining insurgents and the reconstruction of the country.

The war has left massive damages in several areas, and close to 3 million of Iraqis are still displaced.
