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Last Monday , the Energy Regulatory Commission of Mexico (CRE) approved the first retailing permit for liquid petroleum gas (LP) at Walmart cellars in Mexico.
“With the permit number LP/21394/EXP/BOD/2018, the Walmart commercial establishment is now authorized to sell the hydrocarbon to consumers in a portable way,” the institution stated.
The permit will have a 30 year validity , and it consists of the service delivery of portable LP gas through retailing cellars at self-service stores. The gas will be sold in portable recipients with a 10 kilogram capacity .
“The permit will allow for the LP gas offer to diversify by creating specific sales points in easily accessible locations,” CRE added.
The permit will have a direct impact on the lives of 4,000 families in the Ecatepec de Morelos, Tlanepantla de Baz, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Otumba, Nextlalpan, and Coacalco municipalities, in the State of Mexico . “Consumers will now have more payment options.”