
VUHL, the Mexican supercar

Both models of VUHL, the 05 and the 05RR, are available in two agencies in California, United States

VUHL models are manufactured in Querétaro – Photo: Taken from VUHL’s Facebook account
04/09/2019 |19:42Sara Cantera |
Redacción El Universal
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, the Mexican supercar , is marketed in two agencies in the United States .

Both of them are in California. One is in Temécula , where Black Shadow Motors will have available the two models of VUHL, as well as offering maintenance service.

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The other agency is ISSIMI , in Redwood City , also focused on the sale of exclusive sports cars, in addition to technical service.

The model 05 , VUHL’s first, launched in 2013 , and the 05RR , which was presented at the beginning of this year in the Race of Champions in Mexico City, will be available in these agencies.

CEO and co-founder of VUHL, Guillermo Echeverría

, presented the 05RR during the Week of the Automobile in Monterrey and said that California is the ideal place to present the brand to American customers.

“The wide culture of motoring in California, the world-class racing tracks , and the passionate community are aligned with the philosophy of our new cars,” he asserted.

The 05RR has a base price of USD $150 thousand and the first delivery for the U.S. was for an owner in Miami.

According to VUHL, the company sells one or two vehicles a month. For this year, they want to incorporate points of sale in Miami, Florida, and Texas .

Compared to the previous 05, the 05RR weighs 65 kilograms less, the power of the 2.3 liters turbocharged engine of four cylinders reaches 400 hp and 380 lb of torque . It accelerates from 0 to 100 km in 2.7 seconds .

“The launch of the 05RR in January 2019 was very successful and this year we will deliver the first 10 ,” said VUHL.

Besides Mexico and the U.S., VUHL exports to the UK , France , and they will soon have a distributor in Germany , but they can deliver to any part of the world.

Made in Mexico

. Since 2015 , VUHL manufactures its sports cars in a factory located next to Querétaro’s Airport , which can produce more than 25 units a year.

Capital from VUHL , the Science and Technology National Council (Conacyt) , and a private investor were used for the installation of the factory.

Queretaro’s government

offered incentives for the sports cars to be manufactured in the state, such as personnel training and links with the Autonomous University of Querétaro , and the Composite Materials Center .


of the components of the 05 come from the UK , and the car bodies and carbon fiber chassis are produced locally following the AS9100 standard .
