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and vaping are often regarded as a healthier option than regular cigarettes , nevertheless, they pose a serious threat to your health .
According to Guadalupe Ponciano, a UNAM expert and the head of the Smoking Research and Prevention Program from the Medicine Faculty , there are “some myths , [that claim electronic cigarettes ] don't affect health as much as conventional cigarettes do, [these myths] have increased the e-cigarettes' popularity in recent years.”
Nevertheless, the expert explains that during the warming process, the liquid releases steam that contains toxic substances such as tiny iron, tin, nickel, and chromium particles .
Furthermore, electronic cigarettes also contain corrosive materials such as ceramics, plastic, rubber, filament fibers, and foam . E-cigarettes also contain high levels of b, which vary depending on the brand.
The expert said that the steam released by electronic cigarettes is not water steam and that it actually pollutes the environment , moreover, this steam contains small particles that accumulate in the respiratory system and cause serious damages.
This is why vaping is quite dangerous. The researcher explains that the e-cigarettes “could explode in the mouth and cause serious damages in the face and hands. They also generate c ardiovascular crises that could be deadly because nicotine causes myocardial infarctions . The lungs are affected by its constant use.”
n Mexico , this drug has no sanitary registry before the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) but despite this, they are sold through digital platforms without any type of regulation or guarantee for the users.